Lori's wacky world.....

in my world....i'm brilliant and baffling...funny and deep... people drive for miles just to see me....

Monday, May 09, 2005

Open mouth, insert foot....

OK, so I told you about the youth conference I attended 2 weekends ago, but what I didn't tell you is that the Disaster Relief people fed us lunch.
The people I was standing in line with asked about the trip to Florida and was this what I did there and such.
I told them about the trip and explained the heirarchy of Disaster Relief:

Blue Hat- a little lower than God, don't mess with him!
White Hat- Blue Hat's gopher
Red Hat- he sweat's alot and looks tired.
Yellow Hat- worker bees

So, as we're going through the line I spot Blue Hat and tell everyone around me to give him the reverance he deserves, right?
When we come upon him we all bow to him and laugh and I explain that I was down in Florida for the Relief effort and I understand his position.
He asks my name, to my surprise, and I tell him....he knows me!
I look at my friends and say,"See, he is a little lower than God."
Everyone nods.....
I found out later that Blue Hat was Gary Floyd, the head of somethin' big in our Assoc. and, more importantly, he was the one who sent me and our group to Florida.
I felt.....foolish, really stupid cuz I was playing with Gary Floyd for heavens' sake!
He caught me later to make sure I was going to do the Disaster Relief training in our area this weekend, "Yes, sir!" I replied.
Now I have to be on my best behavior....I hate that!


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