Glenn my hero!
K, our entire family rushed home from Church to catch Glenn Beck's show on "The extemists' agenda."
It was both intriguing and highly disturbing.
Iran is set on this apocolyptic agenda to bring on the end of the world in which an Islamist people will rule the earth lead by the 14th Iman?
This event will be preceded by some world wide turmoil that will cost the lives of billions!!!
President Tom(you know, the nutjob from Iran, can anyone say his name?) is building his nuclear program for the express purpose to annhilate the Jews and the West!!!!
They indoctrinate their children to hate Jews and Americans and it is so pervasive, they encourage parents to teach their children as young as 3 yrs. old that to martyr themselves in the service of Allah is honorable.
Do you know that they have an add on Iranian TV that says Pepsi stands for Pay Every Penny Saves Israel.
My daughter, Lacey, nailed it when she said that this culture is so tolerant of any religion that they can't see how awful these extremists really are.
She's right!
We cannot do as the newly formed democratic leadership wants and begin to re-deploy our troops, which means they want to re-deploy them back to the US!
We can't!
These people have anti-american rallies and they call us the great satan and they will try and destroy us if we pull out the troops before the job is done.
Those are the facts.
Why is it that democrats see it so differently?
Could it be to point blame at our Pres. by seeing only the hard things that war brings, which is then liberally reported by our media into our homes, therefore, creating a sense of failure by the administration, thus creating a platform for the democrats to say; we need a change in leadership, how about a Democratic Pres. in 2008?
This is a poilitical ploy, plain and simple!
If it smells like crap and looks like crap, guess what?
It is CRAP!
The future is looking a litlle dicey to me, and I say: we are getting what we deserve.
It is not politics that will change this country; it is not a strong homeland security, it is not a wall between us and Mexicop, it is certainly NOT healthcare(hilary), it is not a strong economy, it is not stronger foreign relations, it is most definately NOT the Democrats pulling us out of Iraq becasue it's becoming inconvenient!
The only thing that will change this country for the better will be when His people, who are called by His name , will stand up and pray, turn from their wicked ways, then He will forgive us our sins and heal this land.
It doesn't matter if you believe it or not.
This is the Truth that will set us free.
Do I see it happening?
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
God help the rest.
It was both intriguing and highly disturbing.
Iran is set on this apocolyptic agenda to bring on the end of the world in which an Islamist people will rule the earth lead by the 14th Iman?
This event will be preceded by some world wide turmoil that will cost the lives of billions!!!
President Tom(you know, the nutjob from Iran, can anyone say his name?) is building his nuclear program for the express purpose to annhilate the Jews and the West!!!!
They indoctrinate their children to hate Jews and Americans and it is so pervasive, they encourage parents to teach their children as young as 3 yrs. old that to martyr themselves in the service of Allah is honorable.
Do you know that they have an add on Iranian TV that says Pepsi stands for Pay Every Penny Saves Israel.
My daughter, Lacey, nailed it when she said that this culture is so tolerant of any religion that they can't see how awful these extremists really are.
She's right!
We cannot do as the newly formed democratic leadership wants and begin to re-deploy our troops, which means they want to re-deploy them back to the US!
We can't!
These people have anti-american rallies and they call us the great satan and they will try and destroy us if we pull out the troops before the job is done.
Those are the facts.
Why is it that democrats see it so differently?
Could it be to point blame at our Pres. by seeing only the hard things that war brings, which is then liberally reported by our media into our homes, therefore, creating a sense of failure by the administration, thus creating a platform for the democrats to say; we need a change in leadership, how about a Democratic Pres. in 2008?
This is a poilitical ploy, plain and simple!
If it smells like crap and looks like crap, guess what?
It is CRAP!
The future is looking a litlle dicey to me, and I say: we are getting what we deserve.
It is not politics that will change this country; it is not a strong homeland security, it is not a wall between us and Mexicop, it is certainly NOT healthcare(hilary), it is not a strong economy, it is not stronger foreign relations, it is most definately NOT the Democrats pulling us out of Iraq becasue it's becoming inconvenient!
The only thing that will change this country for the better will be when His people, who are called by His name , will stand up and pray, turn from their wicked ways, then He will forgive us our sins and heal this land.
It doesn't matter if you believe it or not.
This is the Truth that will set us free.
Do I see it happening?
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
God help the rest.
At 10:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
what's with your blog?!?!? it's all wierd on my screen!!! there are all these wierd signs and stuff that are usually on your template!!!
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