my Thursday...
OK, so if you're a minister at a funeral of someone you know to have not led a life that in any way honored God and you know that these people need comfort and the belief that their loved one is in a better place, how do you do that?????
Really, I'm asking. How do you do that?????
This minister, yesterday, blathered on and on about how Dale was in God's arms and that Dale had led a good life and Dale was a man of honor and so on.........
Did this minister really believe that which he was saying or was it an act of comfort, of mercy?
If so, did he take any opportunity to share the truth about heaven and God's love and salvation??
This minister is married to one of the cousins so I will take this up with him.
It was an interesting day......on the one hand, my husband's family is very gracious and kind, formal in showing emotion, speaking of Dale in a better seemed very austere and surreal...empty.
My funeral is going to be great!!!! I want wailing and knashing of teeth......I want my pastor to make it a celebration of what lies beyond this place called earth. I want singing and eating and laughing and more laughing. I want no one questioning where my eternity lies......I want Dana and Trisha and Kimberly to sing,"Friends are friends forever...."
I want to hear from my Heavenly father: Well done, good and faithful servant. Welcome Home.
Really, I'm asking. How do you do that?????
This minister, yesterday, blathered on and on about how Dale was in God's arms and that Dale had led a good life and Dale was a man of honor and so on.........
Did this minister really believe that which he was saying or was it an act of comfort, of mercy?
If so, did he take any opportunity to share the truth about heaven and God's love and salvation??
This minister is married to one of the cousins so I will take this up with him.
It was an interesting day......on the one hand, my husband's family is very gracious and kind, formal in showing emotion, speaking of Dale in a better seemed very austere and surreal...empty.
My funeral is going to be great!!!! I want wailing and knashing of teeth......I want my pastor to make it a celebration of what lies beyond this place called earth. I want singing and eating and laughing and more laughing. I want no one questioning where my eternity lies......I want Dana and Trisha and Kimberly to sing,"Friends are friends forever...."
I want to hear from my Heavenly father: Well done, good and faithful servant. Welcome Home.
At 1:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
There will be wailing...MUCH WAILING....How do you expect me to sing when I'm wailing??? I will hardly be able to breathe.
When I go, Lori, I want you to sing..."She's Gone" by Chilliwack. "A - gone, gone, gone, she's been gone so long, A-gone, gone, gone, so long." UH!
Kidding, my mom would have your head.
Yes, you'll have wailing....don't get me started.
And not any time soon,
As a pastor's daughter, I grew up hearing my father preach salvation at funerals and did not understand why for some time. But when I was old enough to understand, it seemed wrong NOT to share the plan of salvation at that time. When else do many minds and hearts stop to think of that loved one's life after death? Especially for those who do not consider themselves religious or spiritual or wanting anything to do with God. I think you can reach many when they are considering their loved one's fate - and hopefully, their own.
At 1:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 1:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
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At 4:02 PM,
Lori said…
I hope we wont have to deal with that honey. I'm looking forward to the Rapture of the Church! But just in case, I wont doubt were your eternity lies and I will be wailing and snorting up a storm. And I'm sure my snorting will make everyone laugh.
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