three things....
1. Try the new Downy with lavender and's scrumptious!
2. The wind blew so hard last night that it blew the snow into huge drifts in our driveway and, of course we had to dig our cars out. So, I'm in the car and Con is pushing when the new neighbors come by and Con flags them down to help. I am mortified cuz I look like horrible and I try to wave him off from asking for help but it was too late. I'm in my pjs and fluffy coat and glasses.....ugh! First impressions are so important, ya know?
3. Lastly, but not leastly, we saw "The Village" and loved it!!!!! Now, to those friends who tried to talk about the movie to me before I saw it and I shooshed you; you can now talk about the movie to me. Thank you for your patience, it's just that I was once robbed of the great surprise ending of the "Sixth Sense" because my niece told me that Bruce Willis' character was a ghost. It totally ruined the movie for me and I didn't want to be robbed again.....
I absolutely love M. Night Shanana, or whatever his name is, and how he creates such twisted stories mixed with laughter and intrigue. He fascinates me.
That's all for now.
Ta ta
2. The wind blew so hard last night that it blew the snow into huge drifts in our driveway and, of course we had to dig our cars out. So, I'm in the car and Con is pushing when the new neighbors come by and Con flags them down to help. I am mortified cuz I look like horrible and I try to wave him off from asking for help but it was too late. I'm in my pjs and fluffy coat and glasses.....ugh! First impressions are so important, ya know?
3. Lastly, but not leastly, we saw "The Village" and loved it!!!!! Now, to those friends who tried to talk about the movie to me before I saw it and I shooshed you; you can now talk about the movie to me. Thank you for your patience, it's just that I was once robbed of the great surprise ending of the "Sixth Sense" because my niece told me that Bruce Willis' character was a ghost. It totally ruined the movie for me and I didn't want to be robbed again.....
I absolutely love M. Night Shanana, or whatever his name is, and how he creates such twisted stories mixed with laughter and intrigue. He fascinates me.
That's all for now.
Ta ta
At 8:30 PM,
Lori said…
For the record. I did not wave them for help. I was waving them by. When he offered help of course I accepted and guess what? We got the car out in one try with help.
PS. You were in the car honey, nobody saw what you were wearing. LoVe Ya!
PSS. Thanks for the help..........again! :)
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