Satan's greatest lie...
This has been on my mind for a long time and I just didn't know how to express it, however, I've decided to just say it and, come what may......
I have a very good friend who, to make a short-story long, has gotten herself mixed up in the occult and has literally lost everything that she once loved and has burned every bridge she ever had.
Her family has given up on her....her friends, too.
Save one.....
I say this because her journey began 4 years ago when she, under very dire circumstances, began searching for God. She was in a dark time in her life and was desperately looking for hope.
I began telling her God's love for her and His plan for her life, an abundant life through the power of Jesus Christ. She wanted nothing to do with that. She went to church, not wanting to BE transformed, but to transform HERSELF. A lie.....
The "seed" that was planted fell to the side of the road and was devoured by the birds of the air.
What are the "birds of the air?"
The Bible tells us that they are demons; fallen angels.
They have devoured Laurie, and it was so easy for them.
The world would say there are many paths that lead to Heaven, but, the Bible says that the path to salvation is the "straight and narrow" path and wide is the gate to destruction.
Laurie, has unwittingly given her heart to Satan, but, she would say that he is God, that she speaks to him. She is deceived. Satan is the great deceiver, he poses himself as an angel of light, in order to deceive.
I have confronted Laurie, who has changed her name to Talia, and she is so...lost.
The evil that abounds in her is suffocating. She is so angry, at everything, everyone and what does she have??? She's lost her kids, her home.
But, what has she gained??? I tell you this, she has gained the "fountain of youth", she looks like she is 17 years old!!!! The enemy has given her Vanity.
Laurie was searching for "truth" in a world that has no absolutes. The Truth is that which is found in God's own Son, Jesus Christ. She rejected that Truth and, instead, embraced a "truth"
that has the enemy laughing and scoffing at her.
So, Satan has been deceiving people for thousands of years. Right? Jesus, Himself, cast out demons. It was part of His ministry. Satan knows that he is doomed to lose and wants to take everyone he can to Hell with him and his demons. Right?
So, why aren't we seeing more and more demon possessions or more people oppressed by the Enemy??? It was pretty commonplace in the Bible.
Could it be in our PC culture, where we do not wish to impose any morality on anyone or anything, and where we have pushed God out of the picture because He make most of us feel uncomfortable, that we have been duped into the Enemy's greatest lie, which is that he doesn't exist?????
So, if Satan doesn't exist, then what is wrong with all those people in the mental hospitals??? Oh, right....they are mentally sad. Let's medicate them...and forget them.
I have a pastor-friend who has worked in many mental hopitals and he says they are full of people who are demon-possessed and demon-oppressed, but, in a world that doesn't believe in evil, they are labeled "mentally ill."
We, as Christians, need to be discerned to the evil around us.
Evil abounds.....and calls itself god.
Ephesians 6:11-12
"Put on the full armour of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against the rulers, but against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."
I have a very good friend who, to make a short-story long, has gotten herself mixed up in the occult and has literally lost everything that she once loved and has burned every bridge she ever had.
Her family has given up on her....her friends, too.
Save one.....
I say this because her journey began 4 years ago when she, under very dire circumstances, began searching for God. She was in a dark time in her life and was desperately looking for hope.
I began telling her God's love for her and His plan for her life, an abundant life through the power of Jesus Christ. She wanted nothing to do with that. She went to church, not wanting to BE transformed, but to transform HERSELF. A lie.....
The "seed" that was planted fell to the side of the road and was devoured by the birds of the air.
What are the "birds of the air?"
The Bible tells us that they are demons; fallen angels.
They have devoured Laurie, and it was so easy for them.
The world would say there are many paths that lead to Heaven, but, the Bible says that the path to salvation is the "straight and narrow" path and wide is the gate to destruction.
Laurie, has unwittingly given her heart to Satan, but, she would say that he is God, that she speaks to him. She is deceived. Satan is the great deceiver, he poses himself as an angel of light, in order to deceive.
I have confronted Laurie, who has changed her name to Talia, and she is so...lost.
The evil that abounds in her is suffocating. She is so angry, at everything, everyone and what does she have??? She's lost her kids, her home.
But, what has she gained??? I tell you this, she has gained the "fountain of youth", she looks like she is 17 years old!!!! The enemy has given her Vanity.
Laurie was searching for "truth" in a world that has no absolutes. The Truth is that which is found in God's own Son, Jesus Christ. She rejected that Truth and, instead, embraced a "truth"
that has the enemy laughing and scoffing at her.
So, Satan has been deceiving people for thousands of years. Right? Jesus, Himself, cast out demons. It was part of His ministry. Satan knows that he is doomed to lose and wants to take everyone he can to Hell with him and his demons. Right?
So, why aren't we seeing more and more demon possessions or more people oppressed by the Enemy??? It was pretty commonplace in the Bible.
Could it be in our PC culture, where we do not wish to impose any morality on anyone or anything, and where we have pushed God out of the picture because He make most of us feel uncomfortable, that we have been duped into the Enemy's greatest lie, which is that he doesn't exist?????
So, if Satan doesn't exist, then what is wrong with all those people in the mental hospitals??? Oh, right....they are mentally sad. Let's medicate them...and forget them.
I have a pastor-friend who has worked in many mental hopitals and he says they are full of people who are demon-possessed and demon-oppressed, but, in a world that doesn't believe in evil, they are labeled "mentally ill."
We, as Christians, need to be discerned to the evil around us.
Evil abounds.....and calls itself god.
Ephesians 6:11-12
"Put on the full armour of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against the rulers, but against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."
At 4:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for sharing these thoughts Lori. Its this kind of in your face truth that I believe Gods asks of each of us. I know its what we would here from Jesus if he was here. So, what are we to do?
At 6:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
To you I wonder if in a past life you walked the wooded glens of england and early America in search of witches to burn, You sound as if you know more about your devil, then the devil does.
My only prayer is that god saves me from his followers.
Just drifting through reminds me why I dislike the christian doctrine.
At 8:43 AM,
Lori's World said…
dear 2nd anonymous,
actually, I probably would've been one of those burned.
those that were called "witches" were lumped in with all the radicals of the day, such as evangelical christians who say most unpopular things.
reminds me of another radical: Jesus Christ!
he said VERY unpopular things....and they killed Him for it...
fortunately, God had a plan for that, too, and Jesus lives.....
I don't serve a lie...
just because you don't believe it, doesn't make it any less true.
At 4:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
I just know that you miss her.
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