a joke....
So, Bill Gates dies......and goes to the "Pearly Gates" where he is greeted personally by God Himself!
God tells Bill that he will get to preview his final destination before choosing where he wanted to spend his Eternity.....
First, God takes him to Hell and it is filled with white beaches, beautiful women, tropical drinks with little umbrellas, gorgeous blue water......
Then, God shows Bill Heaven and it is a glorious place filled with angels and people hanging out on clouds and playing their harps.....
Well, Bill was quite taken with the white beaches and beautiful women and so he told God that he would like to spend his Eternity in Hell.
Two weeks later.....
God visits Bill in Hell and sees him in agony, in chains and in darkness, and utterly alone......
Bill asks God," What happened to the white beaches, and blue water and, little drinks with umbrellas....?
God smiles and says," Bill, you of all people should have known....that was just a screen saver....."
At 3:29 PM,
christsprincess said…
HA HA HA!!!!!!! (I don't get it...Oh, now I get it) That is SOOOO cool (and true!!!)!!!!
Luv Ya
Bubbles ..
At 8:32 PM,
christsprincess said…
Hey Mrs. J
I got your blog!!! I don't know if I can go! It depends what time it is!!! My cousin has graduation that night!!! Please blog me A.S.A.P.!!!!!
See Ya When I See Ya
Bubbles oo
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