Con and I went and saw "Munich" last night.
It affected me....
We all know the old story of the age-old conflict between the Arabs(sons of Ishmael,) and the Jews(the sons of the Promised One), right?
Maybe not.....
This conflict began 5,000 years ago, call it ancient-sibling-rivalry, and will never end because both sides feel justified in their offense and they justify their toil of revenge by the very scriptures that they live by!
Does this stuff interest you?
It fascinates me to no end and I have been reading this great book about this very thing.
It's full of intrigue into the supernatural, it's full of everyday heroes who do amazing things through a power not of their own, it speaks of One greater than ourselves that has a plan for our lives and it lays out the very things that are happening in our world today and, yet, it was written thousands of years ago.....
Sound cool?
It's awesome.
It has 66 chapters written by over 40's the Holy Bible!
You should read it cuz it will change your life!
Do I recomment this movie?
This movie protrays the plight of God's chosen people and we need to embrace this truth because the world, as we speak, is setting the stage for the final conflict between God and Satan which will occur in Jerusalem and the Middle East. God's judgement will be poured out onto those who persecuted His people and unbelievers.
Look it up.....
It's all in Revelation, the last book of the Bible.
It affected me....
We all know the old story of the age-old conflict between the Arabs(sons of Ishmael,) and the Jews(the sons of the Promised One), right?
Maybe not.....
This conflict began 5,000 years ago, call it ancient-sibling-rivalry, and will never end because both sides feel justified in their offense and they justify their toil of revenge by the very scriptures that they live by!
Does this stuff interest you?
It fascinates me to no end and I have been reading this great book about this very thing.
It's full of intrigue into the supernatural, it's full of everyday heroes who do amazing things through a power not of their own, it speaks of One greater than ourselves that has a plan for our lives and it lays out the very things that are happening in our world today and, yet, it was written thousands of years ago.....
Sound cool?
It's awesome.
It has 66 chapters written by over 40's the Holy Bible!
You should read it cuz it will change your life!
Do I recomment this movie?
This movie protrays the plight of God's chosen people and we need to embrace this truth because the world, as we speak, is setting the stage for the final conflict between God and Satan which will occur in Jerusalem and the Middle East. God's judgement will be poured out onto those who persecuted His people and unbelievers.
Look it up.....
It's all in Revelation, the last book of the Bible.
At 5:14 PM,
Lori said…
Did it affect me? Yes! I couldn't stop thinking about it, I had weird dreams and spoke about it at our SS opening! It's disturbing and fascinating throughout!
Go See It!
God Bless!!
At 9:00 PM,
christsprincess said…
people from today: WOW! sounds like an AWESOME book!!! can i get it at the library?!?!?
Me: i asked a guy at the library once wher the christain books were and he said that they were in fiction!!! THAT MADE ME SOOO MAD!!!
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