I'm chillin'....are you chillin'?
I feel as if I am in the throngs of the blessings of God and it's freaking me out!
Lately, everywhere I look and everyway I go I am face-to-face with His blessings, I'm not speaking of the everyday, sometimes unseen, unspoken blessings, I mean the "I AM GOD...HEAR ME ROAR" blessings.
I feel so incredibly humbled and so grateful.......and so....."OK, God, what do you want?"
Isn't that terrible?
We are programmed in society to keep the tables "balanced", tit-for-tat, if you will, and yet, God doesn't operate within those parameters....He is so "outside-the-box."
We have a heavenly Father who loves us so and knows us so intimately that He blesses us before we even realize that we have a need and I dig that!
He carries me and cradles me and sets me on His path and whispers in my ear,
"You are mine...rest in Me."
Oh, I love that.
And, sometimes I get beat-up and I feel small and I feel like a stranger in a strange land....then He whispers in my ear," This is not your home...rest in Me."
Other times, as I watch my children grow and I fear for them as they begin to enter into this world and I hope I've taught them well and I hope that they will always choose the straight and narrow path....He whispers in my ear," These little ones are mine......rest in Me."
Quite a concept in this keepin'-up-with-the-Jones', get it before someone else, no-rest-for-the-weary world we live in, and yet, God does ask us to rest in Him, which in modern terms means, "CHILL OUT!....I GOT THIS ONE!"
OK, God, I'm chillin'......(are you chillin'?)
Lately, everywhere I look and everyway I go I am face-to-face with His blessings, I'm not speaking of the everyday, sometimes unseen, unspoken blessings, I mean the "I AM GOD...HEAR ME ROAR" blessings.
I feel so incredibly humbled and so grateful.......and so....."OK, God, what do you want?"
Isn't that terrible?
We are programmed in society to keep the tables "balanced", tit-for-tat, if you will, and yet, God doesn't operate within those parameters....He is so "outside-the-box."
We have a heavenly Father who loves us so and knows us so intimately that He blesses us before we even realize that we have a need and I dig that!
He carries me and cradles me and sets me on His path and whispers in my ear,
"You are mine...rest in Me."
Oh, I love that.
And, sometimes I get beat-up and I feel small and I feel like a stranger in a strange land....then He whispers in my ear," This is not your home...rest in Me."
Other times, as I watch my children grow and I fear for them as they begin to enter into this world and I hope I've taught them well and I hope that they will always choose the straight and narrow path....He whispers in my ear," These little ones are mine......rest in Me."
Quite a concept in this keepin'-up-with-the-Jones', get it before someone else, no-rest-for-the-weary world we live in, and yet, God does ask us to rest in Him, which in modern terms means, "CHILL OUT!....I GOT THIS ONE!"
OK, God, I'm chillin'......(are you chillin'?)
At 8:43 PM,
Shelby Family said…
God blesses because that is who He is. In spite of me...He still blesses me. The thought still overwhellms me.
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