Lacey's dream come true.....
So....Lacey enters an essay contest in which she writes about why she wants a horse......first prize guessed it, a HORSE!!!
Guess what?
We are so proud of her for not letting go of her dream of having a horse and for pursuing all avenues to attain it.
Way to go!!!
We will go and get the horse hopefully next weekend.
She is a 3 yr. old sorrell filly quarterhorse and we've not seen any pictures yet, but Lace is very excited.
That means we will be repairing fences and building a shelter and getting prepared for our newest addition.
Here's the thing:
God is the dream-giver....He gave this passion to Lacey and I am so excited to see where He will take her in this new adventure.
It has been innersteen as I have been calling around to our horse-friends and finding out about trainers and such that one such gal, who trains our friends' horses and gives lessons, was recommended to us.
I told my friend that I KNEW her, much to Laurel's surpirse.
She asked how and I told her that she was the lady who was thrown from her horse and landed in our yard with a huge head injury. We found her and took her to the hospital. Because of her injury, she had amnesia and was very combative.
The whole way to the hospital, I thought she was going to jump out of my truck, and so, I told Lacey and Nevada to lay thier hands on her and pray over her.
In the meantime, Lacey had called her speed dial and gotten a hold of her husband, but then the connection was lost, or so we thought, actually the line was open the entire way and he heard us praying over Desiree all the way to the hospital.
Two days later, her husband showed up with a pie and a card to thank us for "our extrordinary efforts", to which I told him that there was nothing extrordinary about us, we just happen to love the Lord and we asked for HIM to watch over Desiree.
Anyway, all to say that God is in control and we'll see how that connection works out.
Isn't God good....
He is good all the time.....
Guess what?
We are so proud of her for not letting go of her dream of having a horse and for pursuing all avenues to attain it.
Way to go!!!
We will go and get the horse hopefully next weekend.
She is a 3 yr. old sorrell filly quarterhorse and we've not seen any pictures yet, but Lace is very excited.
That means we will be repairing fences and building a shelter and getting prepared for our newest addition.
Here's the thing:
God is the dream-giver....He gave this passion to Lacey and I am so excited to see where He will take her in this new adventure.
It has been innersteen as I have been calling around to our horse-friends and finding out about trainers and such that one such gal, who trains our friends' horses and gives lessons, was recommended to us.
I told my friend that I KNEW her, much to Laurel's surpirse.
She asked how and I told her that she was the lady who was thrown from her horse and landed in our yard with a huge head injury. We found her and took her to the hospital. Because of her injury, she had amnesia and was very combative.
The whole way to the hospital, I thought she was going to jump out of my truck, and so, I told Lacey and Nevada to lay thier hands on her and pray over her.
In the meantime, Lacey had called her speed dial and gotten a hold of her husband, but then the connection was lost, or so we thought, actually the line was open the entire way and he heard us praying over Desiree all the way to the hospital.
Two days later, her husband showed up with a pie and a card to thank us for "our extrordinary efforts", to which I told him that there was nothing extrordinary about us, we just happen to love the Lord and we asked for HIM to watch over Desiree.
Anyway, all to say that God is in control and we'll see how that connection works out.
Isn't God good....
He is good all the time.....
At 5:09 PM,
Lori said…
My dream is I'm playing ping pong against twin Emperor Penguins, and they're really good, its match point and..
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