24, cool news and life lessons.....
24 was great, of course.....now we have to wait a whole week to see it again!uuuuhhhhhh.......
Here's some cool news:
Red Cross has donated to our Association a Mobile Kitchen Unit to be used for disasters!
Isn't that awesome?
Say what you will about the Red Cross, but, they come through, every time and I appreciate them for it.
I had an epiphany this week that I will share with you, my readers, and it's funny, cuz I've heard this before but, apparently, I wasn't ready to receive it.
I have been struggling with how to teach my daughters about the wondrous gift of God's grace.
Truly, I learned it through the many, many times that I screwed up and made bad choices and God loved me and blessed me, despite me.
His grace is sufficient......His love is true in spite of my actions.....I want my girls to understand that without going through what I went through.
Maybe, this is a disservice for them and they need to experience that grace on their own, probably.
Anyway, in the meantime, I read an article about a father who is trying to teach this very same thing, I'm intrigued......
He explains that there are 3 types of discipline in their home:
1. Sometimes the natural consequences of his children's actions is enough to
teach the lesson.
2. Sometimes, the children choose the consequences of their behavior in order to
deter the same behavior again.
3. Sometimes he takes them to ice-cream!
Takes them to ice-cream?
Get it?
That's grace!
Did that child deserve the ice-cream?
No way!
Do we deserve God's grace?
No way, but, we still get it.
And, now I do......
In a way, I'm sorta excited to watch my daughters blow it so I can take them to ice-cream.
Ah, the simple pleasures of life....don't ya love it?
Here's some cool news:
Red Cross has donated to our Association a Mobile Kitchen Unit to be used for disasters!
Isn't that awesome?
Say what you will about the Red Cross, but, they come through, every time and I appreciate them for it.
I had an epiphany this week that I will share with you, my readers, and it's funny, cuz I've heard this before but, apparently, I wasn't ready to receive it.
I have been struggling with how to teach my daughters about the wondrous gift of God's grace.
Truly, I learned it through the many, many times that I screwed up and made bad choices and God loved me and blessed me, despite me.
His grace is sufficient......His love is true in spite of my actions.....I want my girls to understand that without going through what I went through.
Maybe, this is a disservice for them and they need to experience that grace on their own, probably.
Anyway, in the meantime, I read an article about a father who is trying to teach this very same thing, I'm intrigued......
He explains that there are 3 types of discipline in their home:
1. Sometimes the natural consequences of his children's actions is enough to
teach the lesson.
2. Sometimes, the children choose the consequences of their behavior in order to
deter the same behavior again.
3. Sometimes he takes them to ice-cream!
Takes them to ice-cream?
Get it?
That's grace!
Did that child deserve the ice-cream?
No way!
Do we deserve God's grace?
No way, but, we still get it.
And, now I do......
In a way, I'm sorta excited to watch my daughters blow it so I can take them to ice-cream.
Ah, the simple pleasures of life....don't ya love it?
At 2:50 PM,
christsprincess said…
PLEASE TELL MY MOM THAT!!! so then if i mess up she can just take me to ice cream!!!
At 11:58 PM,
TimW said…
Don't forget that someone had to suffer the consequences for your sins. Soneone should suffer the consequences for your childrends blowing it.
Ground yourself, like Christ took the punishment.
Think about it.
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