Am I relevant?
That is the burning question in my mind.
The dicitionary defines relevent as: pertinent, applicable, to bear upon.
Am I relevant in this Babylonian-type-over-indulged-everything-goes society?
I hope not...I'm trying NOT to be and yet don't we have to be relevant as Christians who are trying to show the love of Christ to a lost and dying civilization?
A group of us are studying Daniel and it's so easy to compare the culture that Daniel and his friends were immersed in because it so closely resembles our world today.
Are we as Christ-followers set apart from the indulgences of this world and yet relevant to it so as to be effective for the cause of Christ?
It seems to require an impossible balance, and yet, Daniel was successful at it?
He was diplomatic and resolved to his faith and his God.
So cool...
He stood out.
He resolved NOT to defile himself and showed his captors the wisdom of self-control, something that was foreign to them, and proved that he was all the better for his choices.
He set himself apart and was ridiculed and had schemes for harm against him and, still, he was firm in his faith and was ultimately respected and his captors began to take a second look at Daniel's God.
Daniel did it right and suggests that friendly captivity is not friendly at all.
He is an inpsiration to me as I struggle with being relevant without indoctrination, as I strive to teach my daughters the value of being immersed in Godliness vs. being immersed in worldliness.
A joke:
What's grey and doesn't matter?
An irrelevant
That is the burning question in my mind.
The dicitionary defines relevent as: pertinent, applicable, to bear upon.
Am I relevant in this Babylonian-type-over-indulged-everything-goes society?
I hope not...I'm trying NOT to be and yet don't we have to be relevant as Christians who are trying to show the love of Christ to a lost and dying civilization?
A group of us are studying Daniel and it's so easy to compare the culture that Daniel and his friends were immersed in because it so closely resembles our world today.
Are we as Christ-followers set apart from the indulgences of this world and yet relevant to it so as to be effective for the cause of Christ?
It seems to require an impossible balance, and yet, Daniel was successful at it?
He was diplomatic and resolved to his faith and his God.
So cool...
He stood out.
He resolved NOT to defile himself and showed his captors the wisdom of self-control, something that was foreign to them, and proved that he was all the better for his choices.
He set himself apart and was ridiculed and had schemes for harm against him and, still, he was firm in his faith and was ultimately respected and his captors began to take a second look at Daniel's God.
Daniel did it right and suggests that friendly captivity is not friendly at all.
He is an inpsiration to me as I struggle with being relevant without indoctrination, as I strive to teach my daughters the value of being immersed in Godliness vs. being immersed in worldliness.
A joke:
What's grey and doesn't matter?
An irrelevant
At 9:45 PM,
Jill said…
I was so glad to hear its OK to be fashiionable, to be relevant. So go pack away your jumpers. If I had money...a shopping spree would be in order. Don't you think?
At 9:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok Lori, I'm thinking you're not so relevant since you haven't blogged in almost two months!!! Just kidding, but I keep checking to see what your next blog is going to be about.
Love ya,
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