school of hard knocks...
I'll muddle through the pain and try to say something articulate:
Since we've been back from Hawaii our family has had some tough knocks.
We hadn't been back 2 days when our beloved dog got sick and and we almost lost him. It was 2 weeks of caring for this dog and giving him meds and IV liquids, taking turns staying up with him all night. He was at death's door.
Then he finally rallied and now he's fine, however it cost us a fortune that we don't have and so our little joke all month has been: October's comin''ll be a better month.
Then my shoulder started hurting and then my arm felt like knives were protruding out of it so I went to the chiro-cracker and he tells me that I probably have a herniated disk in my neck and that he couldn't help me.
Once again we're doing home treaments; traction, advil, ice, rest and it is slowly getting better.
Then, my husband heard that the job he was hoping to get was given to somebody else while we were in Hawaii and one of his team leaders went to jail.....all to say he wasn't handling that well and we're dealing.....
Every single family around us is in crisis in one form or another including our own and I can't help but wonder if there isn't an agenda here.
I mean it has been one hit after another.....we're feeling it.
In the meantime a group of us who are sort of passionate about families and dads leading out in our churches and being good leaders, are starting a "support" group in our home where we will learn from God's Word and from each other just what that looks like and, I don't know, I can't help but wonder if it's all connected, somehow.
I know that the Enemy hates everything God loves and God loves families worshipping together and so I think we're in a battle and in battles there are casualties.
Our pastor has been speaking on spiritual maturity and let's face it, when we're in crisis our maturity will be seen in it's fullest and the facade that we put on in peace time will fall away in an instant!
Some of us are standing and some of us...not-so-much.
I covet your prayers for strength and wisdom and endurance.
Since we've been back from Hawaii our family has had some tough knocks.
We hadn't been back 2 days when our beloved dog got sick and and we almost lost him. It was 2 weeks of caring for this dog and giving him meds and IV liquids, taking turns staying up with him all night. He was at death's door.
Then he finally rallied and now he's fine, however it cost us a fortune that we don't have and so our little joke all month has been: October's comin''ll be a better month.
Then my shoulder started hurting and then my arm felt like knives were protruding out of it so I went to the chiro-cracker and he tells me that I probably have a herniated disk in my neck and that he couldn't help me.
Once again we're doing home treaments; traction, advil, ice, rest and it is slowly getting better.
Then, my husband heard that the job he was hoping to get was given to somebody else while we were in Hawaii and one of his team leaders went to jail.....all to say he wasn't handling that well and we're dealing.....
Every single family around us is in crisis in one form or another including our own and I can't help but wonder if there isn't an agenda here.
I mean it has been one hit after another.....we're feeling it.
In the meantime a group of us who are sort of passionate about families and dads leading out in our churches and being good leaders, are starting a "support" group in our home where we will learn from God's Word and from each other just what that looks like and, I don't know, I can't help but wonder if it's all connected, somehow.
I know that the Enemy hates everything God loves and God loves families worshipping together and so I think we're in a battle and in battles there are casualties.
Our pastor has been speaking on spiritual maturity and let's face it, when we're in crisis our maturity will be seen in it's fullest and the facade that we put on in peace time will fall away in an instant!
Some of us are standing and some of us...not-so-much.
I covet your prayers for strength and wisdom and endurance.
At 2:07 PM,
Jill said…
You know we are praying for you. I love you my friend!
At 11:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, I am so glad to have you back in the blog world, even though I don't have my own. I'll just respond to yours. I will be praying for complete healing for you. Yea, it seems lots of things are going on for everyone, but like you said God is in it. He has greater plans than what we can see. I am preaching to myself after losing our dog of 12 1/2 years. I didn't think I'd miss her so much, but that's a loooooong time!!! My dog might not be a spiritual issue, but I can learn from it not to lean on anything, not even my dog. We can only lean on someONE, Jesus. In my Bible study this week, Beth Moore talked about us having a "with" need. You know, the need to be with someone. She even said she has a with dog need(timely isn't?). Well, it is true. Unfortunately we turn to the wrong things or even good people, when only God can meet our needs. How's that for a mouthful? I'll stop talking now. I can't wait til tomorrow night at our home Bible study. Love, Tricia
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