Lori's wacky world.....

in my world....i'm brilliant and baffling...funny and deep... people drive for miles just to see me....

Monday, October 15, 2007


Saturday night we had 4 families over for bible study and it was really a blessing!
What a priveledge to simply open God's word and read.
Our theme was Peace:

what is it?
and how does one achieve it?

By the world's strandard, one never could but, ONLY with the pursuit of Jesus does one achieve true peace.

Have any of you scene "Diary of a mad black woman?"
It is hysterical!!!!
We LOVE her interpretation of what peace is.
Check it out on U Tube...so funny.


  • At 5:15 PM, Blogger Jill said…

    I am very excited to see what the Lord does in our church through FF. Thanks for hosting on Sat.

  • At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, it was very exciting to be a part of this group and have our children participate along. We can't wait for our next gathering.


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