hair update....
This is the my new hair color.Isn't is pretty?;0)
not gonna do it....
Not participating in the whole "Halloween" thing.........not gonna do it, instead, we're going to the corn maze and then to see"A night with the King."Our church is doing a Harvest party.....(whatever), uhmm, apparently to give the kids an "alternative" to trick-or-treating.Here's an alternative:Make it a family night, go to a movie, have friends over to play cards, or....just ignore it!Call me a critic....but I am NOT willing to participate in anything to do with Devil's Night which is Satan's holy night.....not gonna do it.
Holy duh!
In our class last night we are reviewing for the girls what God's purpose is?"God's purpose is for all the people of the nations to know Him and worship Him"I say under my breath, "What's my purpose?" and, apparently, Jill heard and said to me, That was my purpose, as well, that I was over-thinking it.Fine.Just fine.However, that's EVERYONE'S purpose!I just want to know what God's purpose is for ME, ya know?"God's purpose is for all the people of the nations to know Him and worship Him."I KNOW!!!!(she whines)I just want to know what God's purpose is for me?(she's almost there....)It's innersteen that I thought I had found purpose by writing about my life, almost proving to myself that God had His hand on me, when really that was self-promoting, building myself up, reveling in my past(which has a sick payoff for me), and altogether wallowing in self.So, maybe that was God that removed all that from me to show me the simple Truth:His purpose for me is that I know Him and worship Him.Could it really be that simple?Could my discontent with this simple Truth be stemmed from my tendency for the over-dramatic and grandiose?Could be....It's hard being me cuz sometimes "I'm dummer than a fencepost."(what's a fencepost?),
Where are my thoughts?
You know how I was saying the other day that I was seeking a higher purpose?Well, I decided to put my thoughts down in writing and so I logged back on to my "Thoughts" on Word that I have been working on for almost a year.Cooincidentally, one of my last posts was about this idea of purpose and how my passion for Eternity gives me that purpose I seek.Innersteen.So, I'm hungrily writing down my angst and filling in the gaps and, basically, putting my life in story-form and showing how God has always had a purpose for me and that sometimes I lose my way through self-induced detours and it was therapy for me, truly, my priorites were lining right up where they needed to be.It was a huge blessing.All of a sudden, my pinky finger slipped off the "shift" key and hit....who-knows-what? and all of my text was gone!Gone!GONE!I couldn't retrieve it and neither could my husband.It was simply lost in cyberspace somewhere.....Can I just say that I was beyond devastated.In fact, it trashed me for a while before I put a stop to it.I don't have a reason for what happened other than we are not alone in this world and there are forces we cannot see that seeks to distract and destroy and that day I was easy fodder.I'm still upset, as I sit here fighting despair, but I will not give in to it, instead, I seek its purpose, for God has promised that all things work together for those who love the Lord, and I do love my God and my Savior, so I will honor Him.Satan, YOU ARE A PUNK!!!!!!!BACK OFF!!!!!YOU DON"T OWN ME!!!!!!Will I start over?I don't know.....A good friend of mine suggested that maybe God was preparing me for something by putting discontent in my heart.If I was completely fulfilled, maybe I wouldn't be in the frame of mind to receive what God was preparing for me.Who knows?What I do know is this: God does have purpose for me and I can rest in that.Update:Our drama group, the Lifesavers, have been asked to perform a Thanksgiving program for the students of our ESL class.(i.e.= purpose)later taters;0)
why am I here????????????????????I seek purpose................something bigger, bolder.uuuhhhhh......???????????????????I think I need a V8.
tragedy?????, um....Someone broke into our church and stole computers and the contents of the safe and then torched it!It could have been much worse, I know, the whole building could have gone down, it didn't.As it is, the offices are completely gone and the the whole building has extensive smoke damage....I guess, I think: bring it on!Is that all ya got?The timing was very interesting.We had a youth conference scheduled for Saturday, which still went off, but I think the enemy didin't like what we were doing.Mike Thibodeaux, the speaker, told the kids they were so precious to God that it scared the enemy, so he tried to distract us.....didn't work, PUNK!When I saw the fire, I stopped in my tracks and said, "Do not gloat over me my enemy, though I have fallen, I will rise up, though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light."Really, the whole thing put a heavenly perspective on the events for the day, and it was incredible.We had a "sacred -space" team come and set up prayer stations.These kids were from the Ethnos church in Portland and this old lady got learned by these precious children of God.I was so blessed by them....and God protected them because they did not stay at our church that night of the fire, which I felt was odd, at the time.God knew.....You know what is cool?We can't use our education building for awhile, and now we, the body, are coming together for worship and fellowship and our sanctuary....and God is there.....He is our sanctuary....we seek refuge from the Him....our Sanctuary.The church is not a building.Thank you for that reminder.
my thoughts in pink....
The girls and I played tennis and basketball yesterday at the park after a wonderful picnic lunch.....the weather was glorious!We had such a great day....Vada got 2 aces!WOW!We ran into some friends of ours and had a great visit with them.The conversation came down to the sad news that some mutual friends are getting divorced and, did you know that so-and-so are getting divorced?, and most of Vadas friends are from broken sad....We finally came to the point that society has accepted the break-up of the family as status-quo, which infuriates me!Why don't we, as the Christain community, fight for familes????Why aren't the men of the church confronting their fellow brothers with the Truth from God that God hates divorce and the break-up of the family!Why aren't the women in the church being Titus-women who come along side of the sisters, teaching them to honor God by honoring their husbands and families??Because we don't want to hurt anyone's feelongs and we don't want to come across as lofty....what a bunch of crap!I ran into an old friend of mine from school at my niece's concert and he introduced me to his kids.....blah, blah,blah.Anyway, it was homecoming that evening and his daughter was talking about her boyfriend and stuff and her dress...blah, blah,blah.I asked her to walk away for a minute so I could talk to her dad.....then I asked him why did he allow his daughter(who's 15 and been dating this kid for almost a year!) to do the very thing that got him into so much trouble as a kid????I asked him if he remembered being 15 and out of control????I told him he was crazy....out of love, of course, and that God has a better way for those who believe in His sovereignty and, didn't he believe that?Well, he looked at me and said, it's a little late now, don't ya think???NO!!!!It's never too late to teach our kids a better way, God's better way!!!Anyway, I asked him if I could give her my little speech, and I did.All to say that, I spoke Truth to my little sister in Christ, I spoke with authority from God...and there is power in that.WE HAVE AUTHORITY TO SPEAK TRUTH, IN LOVE, in fact, we are compelled to do so in God's word.We, as a Christian community don't use that authority to change our world.Aren't we called to salt and light?????Salt is a preservative....we, God's people, preserve the community around us by being moral, doing good deeds, ministering to our neighbors, reaching out to a lost and dying world, all in the name of God and for His glory, not ours.I love that new song by the "Newsboys", called," Wherever we are...that's where the party's at!"It is the picture of how God's people are blessings to their communites wherever they live, and I, for one, would rather be a God pleaser than a man-pleaser.God's word says that His word will not return to Him void, that it will accomplish its purpose for which it was sent.There you have it!