Lori's wacky world.....

in my world....i'm brilliant and baffling...funny and deep... people drive for miles just to see me....

Friday, September 29, 2006


I picked up a cool book called "God's Blogs" the other day.
It is written as if God had His own blog and He writes on such things, like; bubbles, creation, connections, anger, dads, etc......
It's funny and engaging....a must read for all bloggers
Next week is the season premeire of "Lost".
All I can say is:

As for me and my household, we will watch "Lost".

One of the summer missionaries serving in our area last summer told me that her youth group actually does a bible study corresponding to what happens on "Lost". I thought that was a super idea, I mean, everybody watches it and we're always talking about it, why not turn it into a spiritual conversation????
Looking into that.....
I think I will go yardsaling tomorrow.
Feelin' kind of blah......??????

I could really use a belly laugh right now.
Anyone got a good joke?

Monday, September 25, 2006

a little news.....

Welcome Faith Avery Leverett......

born September 20th, which also happens to be her grandpa's birthday.....very cool.

..........she is a beauty....looks just like her mom.

she's havin' trouble with the whole puttin' on weight thing......(hopefully, a precursor for life).

..........here's the quote of the week, just for you, Faith:

"Time at the breast is time well spent."

there you have it......

Monday, September 18, 2006

a holy day....?

So, we're watching, "Chariots of Fire" the other day and we talked about how Eric Liddell refused to run his first Olympic race because it was on a Sunday and how God blessed his decision.
My daughter, Nevada, asked me what I would've done if I was in his shoes?
I had to be honest with her and say that I probably would've run on Sunday because for me, Sunday, the Lord's Day, looks pretty much like the rest of the week, except we attend church.
I have had to really examine that commandment:

"Honor the Lord's Day and keep it holy."

A holy day.....a day set apart for God....a day of rest......hmmmmm.
God's doin' a work in me......I'll keep you posted.

she's havin' a baby....

Dana is having her baby this week and she has asked me to be in the delivery room with her, since, Alan, her husband, is a bit squeamish and will probably faint.
I can't wait to see her and see them as a family.....I will post pictures as soon as I get back.

taking my stand....

Gosh, it's been too long since I've posted.....bad blogger!
Well, I might as well get controversial right off the bat!
I got an email from a "conservative watchdog" site that claimed Walmart had joined and contributed to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, a.k.a. the NGLCC, and that they were now promoting homosexual marriages and giving preferential treatment to homosexual vendors.
Being that I am NOT an alarmist, I thought it best to verify any and all claims before reacting, which I did.
I called Walmart headquarters and spoke to the assistant to the President, Lee Scott, and told her the reasons for my call.
She verified all the claims were correct, except the preferential treatment, which she would not verify or deny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was shocked!!!!!!!!!!!
I really thought that she would deny it all and say it was a rumor and that would be that.
Here's the problem, as I see it: Walmart, being the largest retailer in the world,
has sold it's soul to the devil.
They believe in nothing and stand for nothing all for the love of money, which is the root of all evil.
They tolerate everybody, every cause, everything, every potential shopper.
I went to ours the other day and found a man in front asking for donations to "The church of rescued animals".
Makes sense to me now.....
Well, I told the assistant that since I am a born-again Christian and I believe that marriage is to be between one man and one woman, as stated in our Constituion and instituted by God, therefore, if Walmart is promoting this idea which goes against the laws of our Land and our God, that I cannot give anymore of my money to them.
I got off the phone and cried....I know, it's silly, but I love Walmart.
I had a choice to make: would I stand for the right thing and refuse to shop Walmart or would I sell out, too, just like they did?
It took only moments to decide what to do.....duh!!!!
My daughters were looking at me to see what I would do.
It was....not hard to tell them that we would no longer shop Walmart AND we need to encourage our Christian community to do the same.
In the book of Ezekiel it says, "and I looked for someone to stand on the wall, to stand in the gap before Me and My land, and I found no one."
I want to stand in the gap before God and say, "THIS IS WRONG!!!!"
I want to stand for SOMETHING!!!!!!
I want my children to stand for God's Truth.
I have to be the example for them.
Anyhoo, if this is "sufferin for Jesus", then bring it on, cuz, in my opinion, our Christain community is lazy and complacent.
Did you know that nation wide, the homosexual community represents 1%?
Don't you think that we, as Christians, represent MUCH more than that?

"If My people, who are called by My name, will turn from their wicked ways and humble themselves and pray, then I will heal their land."\

This country was founded on Christian principles and we have lost our way.

Monday, September 04, 2006

I'm chillin'....are you chillin'?

I feel as if I am in the throngs of the blessings of God and it's freaking me out!
Lately, everywhere I look and everyway I go I am face-to-face with His blessings, I'm not speaking of the everyday, sometimes unseen, unspoken blessings, I mean the "I AM GOD...HEAR ME ROAR" blessings.
I feel so incredibly humbled and so grateful.......and so....."OK, God, what do you want?"
Isn't that terrible?
We are programmed in society to keep the tables "balanced", tit-for-tat, if you will, and yet, God doesn't operate within those parameters....He is so "outside-the-box."
We have a heavenly Father who loves us so and knows us so intimately that He blesses us before we even realize that we have a need and I dig that!
He carries me and cradles me and sets me on His path and whispers in my ear,
"You are mine...rest in Me."

Oh, I love that.
And, sometimes I get beat-up and I feel small and I feel like a stranger in a strange land....then He whispers in my ear," This is not your home...rest in Me."
Other times, as I watch my children grow and I fear for them as they begin to enter into this world and I hope I've taught them well and I hope that they will always choose the straight and narrow path....He whispers in my ear," These little ones are mine......rest in Me."
Quite a concept in this keepin'-up-with-the-Jones', get it before someone else, no-rest-for-the-weary world we live in, and yet, God does ask us to rest in Him, which in modern terms means, "CHILL OUT!....I GOT THIS ONE!"
OK, God, I'm chillin'......(are you chillin'?)