Lori's wacky world.....

in my world....i'm brilliant and baffling...funny and deep... people drive for miles just to see me....

Saturday, August 12, 2006

a rebuttal....

I read an article entitled, "Mideast conflict not a sign of End Times," written by Kathleen Parker of the Orlando Sentinel.
In this article she compared Christian evangelicals to Islamic lunacy, but, then she would point out the obvious by saying Islamist promote violence in the name of Allah and Christians promote such wimpy notions like tolerance and forgivness, redemption and cheek-turning.
She had me at her tongue-in-cheek style of poking fun at both sides but then she started saying on the other side of her mouth that Christians certainly did not have the ear of our President, Condi Rice was not reading the "Left Behind" books and John Hagee did not hold political office.
In other words, there was no foreign policy making based on such apocalyptic notions that we, Christians were problematic because "we suffer from anti-intellectualism and over-heated eschatological expectations."
Apparently I'm dumber than a fence-post because I adhere to biblical authority, but I shouldn't look to the President for any support.
Thanks for clearing that up for me, Kathleen, I have been waiting for the administration to start it's promotion of the upcoming Apocalyse and can't wait to see banners and signs that read "Bring it on Iran!" or "Anti-christ, where are you now?" being waved around in the Rose Garden.
Really, thanks for setting me straight, Kathleen.
Here's one for you:
Instead of spending your "airtime" writing articles that confuse and aspire folks to scratch their heads instead of filling their heads with whatever it was you were trying to say, why not get down on your knees and pray that God will fill your heart with a desire for Truth, His Truth, and pray for this administration to make wise policies that would align with God's will.
I do not wish to offend, but, to this Christianist, I saw that in your article , you don't know where to stand.
God spoke in the bible that it is better to be hot or cold, not lukewarm, because then He would spew you from His mouth.

Friday, August 11, 2006



read all about it.....


my burn is healing nicely and is a gigantic scab....which will be ready for picking in a few short days.

Onto the homefront:

Con and Nevada went to a Mariner game on Wednesday, which was a day game, and not-so-coincidentily I went to Seattle that same day with a friend to drop her son off at camp.
We were having a nice lunch in downtown Kirkland when my phone rang and it was Con saying that he had left the keys in the car with the engine running and was I anywhere near Safeco field?????
Good one, honey....
I told him to go on to the game and I would take care of everything(as usual).
It's hard being me......;)

News from the surrounding area:

Sydnie is back from Africa and has great stories to tell of how God used the group of people she was with to share the Gospel with the people there. They received word after they left that the missionaries went back to the village where they had shared testimony and 20 people prayed to receive Christ!!!!!
Praise God!

More news on the homefront:

The girls are rested after thier all-night vigil on the broken down bus on Monday.
Not so, for the bus, which is still there.....

On a personal note:

I'm sad......
Some friend of ours are getting divorced and I am so upset about it.
The world would say, "It happens."
I say we need to grieve when a family is torn apart and not take it so cavalier.
I'm grieving.....

Hedghogs hibernate

Monday, August 07, 2006

from my heart....

I truly believe that God is the one who burdens hearts when He wants to do a mighty work and I have to say that my heart has been burdened for long time.
In the last couple of years I have been aware of an alarming number of people in our church community who feel completely disconnected from the body of the Church.
For myself, I have been there, however, God has equipped me to be pro-active in my emotional needs by giving me a desire to seek Him in all things and He has given me amazing friends and He has given me the gift of being a friend and, so, I remain faithful to the Body, and yet, saddened by those around who are missing the " life abundant".
I think that in this day where we interact with people through email and text and IM and blogs and MySpace and countless other impersonal ways, we have lost our ability to connect with others and, more alarming, we have lost that desire to connect with others.
What are we to do?
I believe that we need to be more purposeful about connecting with people and I believe that we need to pray to have that burden put on our hearts.
How can we, as the Christian community, reach a lost and dying world when we don't have a burden to reach people and really make a difference in someone's life?
People are more important that projects, I've heard it said.
It's true.....
We have a new mission in our community of faith and it's making a difference!
In the past, we have had very low turn-out for anything planned as far as fellowship goes, seriously, at our Christmas party, in our age group, 3 out of 60 members showed up.
That has been pretty much status-quo for us for a long time.
People show up Sunday morning and for nothing else.
How can we get to know people if they don't show up and how can we minister to them if they don't show?
How can we get people to want to come.....?
You wanna know what turned it around?
We called people and PERSONALLY invited them and made them feel important to the rest of the group so that they would want to come and be part of a body of believers.
At the last BBQ we over 120 people show up!!!!!!!
I didn't even know we had that many people in our age group at our church!!!!
God blessed our efforts and blessed those around us and I feel the tide changing....
We have also felt a burden to have a home-group type of fellowship to really connect with a small group of people in a more intimate setting other than church, and we will be starting that this Sunday and, hopefully, others will want to do the same and from there....who knows?
Jesus was the most beautiful example of having a servant's heart when he washed the feet of his disciples knowing that in a few short hours they would betray him......then He died for them....and for you.
Take time to reach out to those around you....you will be blessed.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

my stupid human trick

I did it good!!!!!!
You know that sketch on the Letterman show, "Stupid Human Tricks?"
Well, I did a good one.......let me tell ya.
Last night we are getting ready for my niece's wedding and I'm dressed, but I see that my skirt is a bit wrinkled so I grab the iron that had been turned on but had been off for at least a couple of minutes and I tried ironing this wrinkle out while I had the skirt ON and it wasn't THAT HOT so I decided to mist my skirt with water and then put the iron on it...........(that was the really stupid part because everybody knows that STEAM is MUCH HOTTER than dry heat).... I peeled myself from the ceiling after my self-inflicted-2nd-degree-burn and I began screaming and yelling and.....it was not pretty.....
This morning it has 2 blisters on it.....one the size of a half dollar and the other about the size of a quarter.....NICE!......