Lori's wacky world.....

in my world....i'm brilliant and baffling...funny and deep... people drive for miles just to see me....

Saturday, January 29, 2005

blah blah blah....

I've got the blahs.......
tell me somethin' funny......

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


Geocaching is our familiy's newest hobby and it is a blast!!!!!
What is it, you ask?
Geocaching is a worldwide treasure hunt via the internet.
The tools you'll need are a GPS unit -a global positioning satellite unit- and a good pair of hiking shoes/boots.
It is so easy to get started: go to geocaching.com and log-in.
There are literallay hundreds of thousands of "caches" around the world that people like you and me have placed for others to find.
There are hundreds just in our area alone and the fun is in the hunt and the adventure.
The "treasure" is junk stuff for kids, mostly, but yesterday we found a cache that had movie tickets in it and a pair of needle nose pliers. The rule is: if you take something then you have to leave something so don't forget to bring along those Happy Meal toys you have laying around.
All caches have a log book in them to sign and read. It's fun to see when the cache was found and by whom and to read their comments.
Yesterday, when we were hunting for a cache down in the Nature reserve, we spooked a great-horned owl and that was cool since we are also bird-watchers, so bring your binoculars, too, cuz you never know what you might see.
Have fun;-)

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Ode to Mr. Lee....

Posted by Hello

Monday, January 24, 2005

OK...um..how do you kill a chicken?


for those that know me....at all...know that this is not my area, nor is it one I want to explore.
I guess I'm discreetly looking for a.......hitchicken. shhhhhh!
so, if, uh, anyone knows anyone who can, you know, ummm........whack it!
Let me know.

OK, change of subject.....any good chicken recipies?

the chicken has to die.....

The Charges:

Mr. Lee(the rooster), you have been charged with malicious mischief with the intent to harm. The alleged victims, Nevada and her Mom, have filed a complaint on several occasions because of these same allegations and though, you have been given several occasions to rectify this matter regarding your bad behavior, you have thusfar not chosen to be a respectable pet in this loving family.

Your Sentence:

Mr. Lee, you are hereby sentenced to be delicious on the table of the alleged victims. A sentence that will take place no later than this weekend. Mr. Lee, as your judge and jury, I would like to point out how unnecessary this action is and that I have done nothing but be kind and considerate of your hens and your space and I believe that it is your ego and pride that has gotten you into this mess.
"Pride goeth before the Fall...."
I pray that my feed has made you tender and sweet.....
May God roast your breast.

Friday, January 21, 2005

Lori's 1st online poll:

How do you handle conflict?
Do you:

a. run way- sometimes leaving skid marks.
b. shrink away-"honey, I want to shrink myself!"
c. become dumb....and dumber - find yourself speechless, then lash out & say something stupid.
d. become a surgeon - find out what is at the "heart" of the problem and go, with careful thought, from there.

Most people are really bad about resolving conflict. Don't feel bad if you picked a,b, or c. I used to be just like you and if you get your own blog, then you can be perfect in your world, too.

OK, talk to me....I'm listening.....

my Thursday...

OK, so if you're a minister at a funeral of someone you know to have not led a life that in any way honored God and you know that these people need comfort and the belief that their loved one is in a better place, how do you do that?????
Really, I'm asking. How do you do that?????
This minister, yesterday, blathered on and on about how Dale was in God's arms and that Dale had led a good life and Dale was a man of honor and so on.........
Did this minister really believe that which he was saying or was it an act of comfort, of mercy?
If so, did he take any opportunity to share the truth about heaven and God's love and salvation??
This minister is married to one of the cousins so I will take this up with him.
It was an interesting day......on the one hand, my husband's family is very gracious and kind, formal in showing emotion, speaking of Dale in a better place.....it seemed very austere and surreal...empty.
My funeral is going to be great!!!! I want wailing and knashing of teeth......I want my pastor to make it a celebration of what lies beyond this place called earth. I want singing and eating and laughing and more laughing. I want no one questioning where my eternity lies......I want Dana and Trisha and Kimberly to sing,"Friends are friends forever...."
I want to hear from my Heavenly father: Well done, good and faithful servant. Welcome Home.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Love at first sight?????

What do you think of the idea of love-at-first-sight??? Is it even possible????
My girlfriend met a gentleman 3 weeks ago and he's insisting that he already loves her!!!!!
She is not there....yet. It is not to say that she won't get there, but in the meantime, he's bellowing his love for her.
How can he know that love is in his heart when they are still in the "sparkly" stage of their relationship?? When everything is good and yummy and fun and funny and they haven't even had a disagreement, how can one think so clearly that he is in "love?"
Isn't it just infatuation...???
Or, could it be that he has it on good authority that she is the "one" for him????
He has been praying that God would bring him a godly woman of great worth.....and that he would "know" that she is the "one."
Maybe, it is possible. Maybe, I'm a cynic in matters of love......
I had coffee with them yesterday and he's adorable!!!!! He's attentive and kind and funny!!!!
They have great chemistry together.
It could be a perfect match......
I think there are forces working here beyond our comprehension......way cool!

So, what do you think????
Talk to me.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Did you know......

Did you know that yesterday was National "Do Nothing Day?"
That would have been useful information to have the day before yesterday cuz yesterday I did SOMETHING.......GOOOOSSSHHH!!!!!!
Anyway, today is...like...errand day and there is...like...freezing rain on the roads...so I'm...like...GOOOSSSHHHH!!!!!!
What is today???...like National"Risk-Your-Life-For-Something-Stupid" Day???
My chickens are cold...... their heat bulb went out.... they don't lay eggs when it's dark and cold!!!! GOOOSSHHHHHH!!!!!
Now they're just a financial DRAIN!!!!!!
I have to go to Penneys, too, cuz.....I'm.....I'll do whatever I want to do. GOOOSSHHHH!!!!
I need some chapstick. My lips hurt real bad, GOOSHHHH!!!!!!

(somebody, please take away my napolean dynamite dvd......please...I beg you)

Monday, January 17, 2005

A funeral and a story

On Thursday, we will be traveling to Vancouver to attend the funeral of Cons' uncle Dale who died of complications from lung cancer. He will greatly missed.
Although it will be great to see all of the aunts and uncles, cousins and 2nd cousins that live all over the country, it is also, for us, very somber because we don't believe that Dale had a saving knowledge of God.
We have been praying that Dale would see the need for God before the end.......
A friend of mine has been to a couple of funerals lately and has been thinking about her legacy and what will people say about her when she is called home. It has made me pause and think, as well.
What is my legacy?? What will people think of me?? Will there be lingering questions of my love and devotion to those I love???? Did my life honor my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ?????
I do hope that there will lots of wailing and knashing of teeth, though....
Speaking of wailing...I have a funny story:
When Lacey was 3 yrs old we had a kitten that died and she began wailing about this kitten and
how she loved it and why did it die......well, her wailing was so loud it was heard by my friend, Kimberly, from across the street behind 2 closed doors!!!!!
As Kimberly wrapped her arms around Lacey to comfort her she pulled her back and made her promise that she would wail in this same manner at her funeral.
Lacey promised and continued the wails even while I wrapped it in a linen and put it in a box and carried it to Walla Walla where we were headed that morning to see my nieces Christmas pajeant. When we arrived there, 2 hours later, Lacey was still wailing and my sister, Karen, met us at the car after hearing the wails. I quietly told her what happened, then she saw the box that Lacey was handing to her and asked, "What's in the box?"
She fainted.......I caught her.....then I began to laugh.
The End.

Saturday, January 15, 2005

God is good....

I'm off to tea...ta ta......(she says with her pinky properly placed to the sky)

No, really, I AM going to tea. It is the kick-off our "Heart to Heart" ministry where you are paired with someone you don't know well and you are then asked to commit to spending time together once a month for a year. So, my friend, Kay, called and asked if I would participate this year and she had someone in mind for me (I'm picky about who I get) and when she told me who it was I stood in amazement at how good God is.......
This person, Leslie is her name, has been a huge blessing in my life.
She and I have very similar stories to tell because we have had very similar trajedies in our lives.
I believe one of the reasons that God allows painful experiences to happen to certain people is so that they can be a help to someone else in time of similar trouble and truly, when Kay uttered the name, Leslie, to me, I knew that God had worked it all together......and I felt incredible humble.
It is so awesome to have a God who cares about our mental well-being as well as our spiritual-being.
Thank you, Abba, for being so good to me.......

Thursday, January 13, 2005

the games we play....

We are having friends, Ray and Sherri, over this weekend to play our favorite card game: Hand and Foot, it is a version of Canasta, which if played properly is also known as "CaNasty."
Fortunately, they are no longer addicts who drink too much so it will be a fun yet tame evening.
Russell and Lillian will be joining us, as well, and I hope Russell is in good form cuz he's hilarious when he's had too much sugar(he has undiagnosed adult ADD, he's great at parties) I will do my best to make sure all of his favorite things; cookies, candy, white bread, simple carbohydrates are within his arm's reach at all times.(sorry, Lillian, but as hostess I'm in charge of the entertainment)
We also love Balderdash cuz we're all a bunch of liars and Cranium cuz the world is our stage......
What is your favorite game to play with friends??????
Tell me......

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

your comments are welcome :)

If you are visiting my site and find anything at all interesting or funny or stupid or irrelevant or ridiculous or offensive or thought provoking or unclear or silly or unimportant, please...........I WELCOME your comments.
Here's the thing:

I have my ways of knowing how many folks visit my site and I'm troubled that not more folks are taking the time to post a comment. My feelers are hurt.......so, I will try to be more interesting and funny and stupid and irrelevant and ridiculous and offensive and thought provoking and unclear and silly and unimportant BECAUSE......I want to hear from YOU!!!!!

Hopelessly Devoted To You..........


three things....

1. Try the new Downy with lavender and vanilla....it's scrumptious!
2. The wind blew so hard last night that it blew the snow into huge drifts in our driveway and, of course we had to dig our cars out. So, I'm in the car and Con is pushing when the new neighbors come by and Con flags them down to help. I am mortified cuz I look like horrible and I try to wave him off from asking for help but it was too late. I'm in my pjs and fluffy coat and glasses.....ugh! First impressions are so important, ya know?
3. Lastly, but not leastly, we saw "The Village" and loved it!!!!! Now, to those friends who tried to talk about the movie to me before I saw it and I shooshed you; you can now talk about the movie to me. Thank you for your patience, it's just that I was once robbed of the great surprise ending of the "Sixth Sense" because my niece told me that Bruce Willis' character was a ghost. It totally ruined the movie for me and I didn't want to be robbed again.....
I absolutely love M. Night Shanana, or whatever his name is, and how he creates such twisted stories mixed with laughter and intrigue. He fascinates me.
That's all for now.
Ta ta

Monday, January 10, 2005

If it looks like crap and smells like crap......

I am very distressed about the kids at our church. Why? Because they don't look or act any different than the kids of the world....and that really bugs me. Why? Because you are never too young to be "transformed."
The bible says in Romans 12:2-
"And do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."
So, what happened that made me think this??? Well, I'll tell ya....
I'm doing my thing at AWANA last night, I'm a secretary, and most of the time I'm just sitting and visiting with a group of kids that like to hang out with me. They are listening to some music on their headphones and dancing around and so I ask what they are listening to. All of them smiled sheepishly and whispered, "Usher."
Now, I know that Usher is BIG in the music world et al but I've listened to him and it's garbage!!!!!! It is all sexual inuendo and pining for women and yuck!!!!! So, I ask them,"Are the words uplifting to God's laws?" "NO!" they say, not even a hesitation. They know it is not pleasing stuff.
Pretty soon there was a group of little girls there and heard what we were talking about and they all started squealing over how "Hot" he is and they all have his poster!!!!........these girls are 10-11 yrs old!!!!!!!
Also, I'm so sick of seeing 2-3 inches of belly on every kid at church!!!! It's not cool or cute.....it's ugly and disgusting and spans all age groups now!!!!!!
I was....am disgusted and appalled by the lack of discernment in these children. If they look like the world and act like the world...they must be in the world...and that is such a dangerous road.
I wonder what these parents are thinking....obviously they are not transformed, either. Sad.....
So, what is my responsibility to these children??? They are not mine, but, I believe my role in their lives is to encourage them to find their God-given gifts and talents and to be a "transformed Christ-follower."
Don't even get me started on my take on dating........

Saturday, January 08, 2005

me and the tasty slopes....
Posted by Hello

Friday, January 07, 2005

why are actors flaky?

So, we had drama the other day and it had been like 3 weeks since the last time we met and I was very excited to see what Dale would have us to do......he never showed.
Actors are so flaky.........
So, being the next in line of succession(which means I was the only other adult there) I had to take over.....now, remember, I'm a "poser". The last time I did any acting was......in high school.
But, now that I think about it...actors don't need a stage to play a role, do they????
What is acting anyway??? It is the putting on of a character/emotion that is outside of yourself.
I do that all the time!
Although I am not a student of drama I believe myself to be a pretty good student of humanity and therefore have a good pool of experience to draw from.
I, therefore, declare myself to be perfectly qualified to be Dale's "number one" and I'm making it so.......for the next time he pulls a "flake out"
What did we do???
We played drama games......"Freeze", the Question Game, one-minute-monologues-on- nonsense, and we laughed...alot.
I overheard Samantha say to someone about Lacey that she is really good at Improv, even better that her. That was fun to hear....

another idiom....

"Get Someone's Goat"

To irriatate somebody.

Originates from the early 20th century where goats were often seen stabled with race horses because of their known calming influence on the horse. Competitors would attempt to remove the goat with the result that the horse would be less calm and more irritated come the race. Hence the term...

Thursday, January 06, 2005

it's premiere week, FINALLY!

Is it normal to be so excited about a tv show's premier that you literally rearrange your week so that you won't miss it and it's pretty much all you an think about the day it's on?????? I'm pretty sure it's not only normal but it is exactly the response that the networks are hoping for especially when your show doesn't premiere until JANUARY of the NEXT YEAR!!!!!!!
Talk about a "gimmick" to boost ratings.....come on......
My favorite shows are "Alias" and "24", both premiering this week, not the usual October premiere, noooooo......the build up can't possibly live up to my "overdue, over-extended, overdone, overly obsessed sense of tying up the overly drawn out loose ends of last season that was over so long ago......"
NBC, you better not go to re-run before April or "IMA gonna kick your....bleep" and Fox.......it had better be good, in fact, it better be better than "Who shot JR?" and Jack had better be looking good....and the President's wife had better be really dead........cuz she is one annoying chick!!!!
Got it???
I'm pretty sure I'm the "target audience" for both those shows and if they're reading this they are patting themselves on the back for creating the perfect "viewer."
I feel so cliche'.

an idiom....

I love idioms...here's one:

"Take a Rain Check"

to decline an offer until another time.

Believed origin:
Originates from the 19th century baseball games where spectators could leave a game because of bad weather whilst retaining their ticket for use on another day.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

no math geeks here.....

Lacey is whining about math which is nothing out of the ordinary. We are plugging along nicely, I think. We're dividing mixed numbers and multiplying improper fraction.....we're doing fine, I think.
Then we come to ratios.....
"Ratios were always hard for me, but we'll get through them together." I say bravely.
Lacey lovingly puts her arm around my shoulder and says,"It's OK mom, we can skip them," to which I say,"No, Lacey, the hardest thing to do is always the right thing to do."
This is one of my favorite "mom-isms". I say this to my girls, alot. I consider it a motivating statement. I have lots of "mom-isms."
Today, Lacey's response to my current "mom-ism" is, "What about the straight line??????"
To which I die laughing.......
You know that one: "the shortest distance between two points is a straight line."
One can understand her misuse of this "mom-ism", afterall, it sound so mathematical.
I'm still laughing......

Monday, January 03, 2005

the Prayer....

This is so beautiful!!! It is the Lord's Prayer in the original language Aramaic:

"Oh Thou, from whom the breath of life comes,
who fills all realms of sound, light and vibration.
May your light be experienced in my utmost holiest.
Your Heavenly Domain approaches.
Let Your will come true - in the universe (all that vibrates)
just as on earth (that is material and dense).
Give us wisdom (understanding, assistance) for our daily need,
detach the fetters of faults that bind us,
like we let go the guilt of others.
Let us not be lost in superficial things (materialism, common temptations),
but let us be freed from that what keeps us off from our true purpose.
From You comes the all-working will, the lively strength to act,
the song that beautifies all and renews itself from age to age.
Sealed in trust, faith and truth
(I confirm with my entire being)