my thoughts...
The girls' and I went on a girlie trip with our friends, Keri and Olivia, to Lake Coeur D'Lane this week and we had a great time of shopping and laughing and more shopping and more belly laughing, not to mention eating and more eating.It was great.I love the flexiblity of homeschooling!It just really works for us.How long will we homeschool?As long as we are called to do it.It's an innersteen dynamic, homeschooling, because the most common response when people find out we do it is that the children are not being socialized properly by homeschooling them.Really?My response to that is," So, what I hear you saying is that public school provides the social structure that children need, is that right?"Well, yes, of course.Really?To that I point out that public school does no such thing, that children are NOT equipped for the "real world" being ''in the world", but, in fact, they are being taught that they are the center of the very universe and the entitlement that these "socialized" kids feel when entering the work force is appalling.My husband manages a fast food restaurant and what he sees as these kids come out of the public school arena is no ablility for team work, self-centeredness, and entitlement up the ying-yang.A friend of mine added to this:"When was the last time you were cursed at while at work?"That is an every day thing at public school."When was the last time you were made fun of at work?"
Everyday at public school."When was the last time you were sexually harrassed while at work?"
Everyday at public school.If these things take place at the work place, dire consequences will be handed down.Not at school, though.The hostile environment at the average public school does NOT properly socialize our children, in fact, it take away from the education process and hinders the learning process.Duh!!!!The core group of kids at our church are experiencing the whole "living out your faith" even at church because the ratio of homeschoolers to public school kids is about 50/50 and it has made for some lively conversation for the kids as well as the parents.We feel that God has called us, as Christians, to homeschool our kids.Do we think we're better than anybody else is they choose not to?Absolutely not!However, if you look at our kids compared to the PS kids, spiritually, relationally, emotionally, they are heads above the rest.I'm not suggesting my kids are perfect, far from it, but, they are being blessed because of the obedience to the call and the obedience to God's word.And yet, almost on a weekly basis, I hear disparaging comments from our brothers and sisters In Christ about those "freaky homeschoolers."Nice.I say, bring it on, we're not just freaky, we're PECULIAR, too!Reminds me of a bible verse:I Peter 2:9'But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people, that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
We miss Dog....
OK...Is anyone out there a "DOG" fan?As for me and my family...we are.I watched him on Hannity and was very moved by him and I believe he is very sorry for what he did.It is appalling that he is being compared to Imus and Michael Richards and the racist comments they made because this was a private conversation between family...shame on his son for selling out his dad.On the other hand, we have been saying amongst our family that his language and his profession of faith in God don't mesh and that God will humble him if he doesn't change his ways.We've been saying it.....long time now.His pastor has been on him about his language.God's been on him about his language and probably thinking, "we can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way...your choice, Dog."Well, he chose the hard way, but I believe he is truly repentent.Time will tell.We're still behind you, Dog, and hoping you change and get your show back.We miss you.