Lori's wacky world.....

in my world....i'm brilliant and baffling...funny and deep... people drive for miles just to see me....

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

my broken heart....

Did you know that if every church would take care of one orphan in this state, every orphan would be taken care of?
Sunday night, Ron, our youth pastor, spoke to us regarding adoption and the care of widows and orphans and i am not kidding you, it went right to my heart.
You see, I grew up having foster-care kids in our home and it was a huge blessing for us.
When my daughters were smaller, I had considered it, but, dismissed becasue I thought my first priority was to MY daughters, who still needed me so.
Now, I'm wrestling with my responsibility to widows and orphans, as stated in God's word:

James 1:27-"this is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress......"

The word visit in Hebrew means "to come along side of."
I believe that this family has so much love...we have so much to give to others......and God has shown me that He has healed my wounds and I do not have to fear for my children because He has protected them and has abided with them all along the way.
I recently took a class called, "Making our children into spiritual champions" and in this, a pastor spoke these words:

"The providence of God puts children in my line of sight for me to bless."

Those words.....have impacted me deeply and come to my mind every time I work with the GA's at church or my drama kids, or when my girls have friends over, I consider them "in my line of sight" and I bless them.
How much more to bless a child that has had their foundations shaken to the core when they are removed from their homes?
Yes, Lord, Yes.
I will bless these little ones.
Show me how, Father.
Right at this moment, I can't stop weeping over these little ones.....I feel you are breaking my heart........Oh, Father, forgive me for my complacency....for being comfortable...stretch me and try me and show me "great and mighty things which I do not know."

great and mighty things....

God is so good.......He is good all the time!!!!!

That seems to be the theme in our lives lately.
Here's why.
So, as we're looking into all that goes into training a young horse we're seeing very quickly how so unafforable it really is....really.
It would be better to buy a 10-15 yr. old horse that has already been trained...really.
Hwever....we just can't get past that Lacey won THIS horse, for some reason, and we believe that God has a great plan for Lacey through this horse, in fact, He gave us a verse:

Jeremiah 33:3-"Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things which you do not know."

OK, God.
Show us.
He did.
We went to visit a trainer and got alot of good info and then we went to Ranch and Home to get a lead rope and grooming stuff.
As we were looking at saddles, we began talking with a saleswoman and we told her that Lacey had won this horse and we were beginning a new journey, blah, blah, blah.
Anyway, she then told us that her husband was a trainer, new to the area and he really needed to train a jockey to ride his barrell racers in competition to advertise them because he wanted to sell them.
Elaine then explained that he would probably trade Lacey's willingness to help show these horses in exchange for training her horse!
She also explained that Nevada could help with the other horse and muck out stalls in exchange for lessons!!
Did I mention that it is also been Lacey's dream to learn to barrell race in competition?
God is good...He is good all the time!
As we were walking out of the store, Con turned to Vada and said, "Everything obstacle that is in place was just removed, God did that, just like Mom said He would."
I truly do not know what the plan is for this horse, but, here's what I do know:
God is in charge and He wants to bless His children and He wants us to trust and believe that His plans for us are great and mighty.
Bring it on, God!
We're ready.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Lacey's dream come true.....

So....Lacey enters an essay contest in which she writes about why she wants a horse......first prize is.....you guessed it, a HORSE!!!
Guess what?


We are so proud of her for not letting go of her dream of having a horse and for pursuing all avenues to attain it.
Way to go!!!
We will go and get the horse hopefully next weekend.
She is a 3 yr. old sorrell filly quarterhorse and we've not seen any pictures yet, but Lace is very excited.
That means we will be repairing fences and building a shelter and getting prepared for our newest addition.
Here's the thing:
God is the dream-giver....He gave this passion to Lacey and I am so excited to see where He will take her in this new adventure.
It has been innersteen as I have been calling around to our horse-friends and finding out about trainers and such that one such gal, who trains our friends' horses and gives lessons, was recommended to us.
I told my friend that I KNEW her, much to Laurel's surpirse.
She asked how and I told her that she was the lady who was thrown from her horse and landed in our yard with a huge head injury. We found her and took her to the hospital. Because of her injury, she had amnesia and was very combative.
The whole way to the hospital, I thought she was going to jump out of my truck, and so, I told Lacey and Nevada to lay thier hands on her and pray over her.
In the meantime, Lacey had called her speed dial and gotten a hold of her husband, but then the connection was lost, or so we thought, actually the line was open the entire way and he heard us praying over Desiree all the way to the hospital.
Two days later, her husband showed up with a pie and a card to thank us for "our extrordinary efforts", to which I told him that there was nothing extrordinary about us, we just happen to love the Lord and we asked for HIM to watch over Desiree.
Anyway, all to say that God is in control and we'll see how that connection works out.
Isn't God good....
He is good all the time.....

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Glenn Beck.....is my hero!

K, our entire family rushed home from Church to catch Glenn Beck's show on "The extemists' agenda."
It was both intriguing and highly disturbing.
Iran is set on this apocolyptic agenda to bring on the end of the world in which an Islamist people will rule the earth lead by the 14th Iman?
This event will be preceded by some world wide turmoil that will cost the lives of billions!!!
President Tom(you know, the nutjob from Iran, can anyone say his name?) is building his nuclear program for the express purpose to annhilate the Jews and the West!!!!
They indoctrinate their children to hate Jews and Americans and it is so pervasive, they encourage parents to teach their children as young as 3 yrs. old that to martyr themselves in the service of Allah is honorable.
Do you know that they have an add on Iranian TV that says Pepsi stands for Pay Every Penny Saves Israel.
My daughter, Lacey, nailed it when she said that this culture is so tolerant of any religion that they can't see how awful these extremists really are.
She's right!
We cannot do as the newly formed democratic leadership wants and begin to re-deploy our troops, which means they want to re-deploy them back to the US!
We can't!
These people have anti-american rallies and they call us the great satan and they will try and destroy us if we pull out the troops before the job is done.
Those are the facts.
Why is it that democrats see it so differently?
Could it be to point blame at our Pres. by seeing only the hard things that war brings, which is then liberally reported by our media into our homes, therefore, creating a sense of failure by the administration, thus creating a platform for the democrats to say; we need a change in leadership, how about a Democratic Pres. in 2008?
This is a poilitical ploy, plain and simple!
If it smells like crap and looks like crap, guess what?
It is CRAP!
The future is looking a litlle dicey to me, and I say: we are getting what we deserve.
It is not politics that will change this country; it is not a strong homeland security, it is not a wall between us and Mexicop, it is certainly NOT healthcare(hilary), it is not a strong economy, it is not stronger foreign relations, it is most definately NOT the Democrats pulling us out of Iraq becasue it's becoming inconvenient!
The only thing that will change this country for the better will be when His people, who are called by His name , will stand up and pray, turn from their wicked ways, then He will forgive us our sins and heal this land.
It doesn't matter if you believe it or not.
This is the Truth that will set us free.
Do I see it happening?
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
God help the rest.

Monday, November 13, 2006

my nugget....

OK, so I just got from Ladies Retreat and it was good, not great, but, good.
I got to know my roommate, Melaina, a little better and the fellowship with my "girls" was really good, but I always want to come away with a nugget of Truth from God.
Jean taught about "The Fragrance of Grace" from 2 Cor. 2:14-17:

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in His triumph in Christ and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place.
For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are perishing;
to the one an aroma from life to life,
to the one an aroma from life to life.
And who is adequate for those things?
For we are not like many peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God.
We speak in Christ in the sight of God."

It's the picture of a victory parade with Christ in the lead chariot and US, His followers, the sweet aroma of incense filling the streets as we pass by.
We ought not be "peddlers" of Christ to a lost and dying world, but, we ought to be Christ to a lost and dying world.
What was my nugget?
Well, if you keep up with this blog you will know that I have been struggling with purpose.
What is MY purpose?
What am I supposed to be doing?
Basically, I have been discontented.
God, has been doing a work in me and showing me His purpose, however simple it may be.
Jean, our speaker, made the comment that Jesus was BUSY!!!! He KNEW His purpose and......He lead a simple life.
Jesus was NOT a simple man, but, He lead a simple life.
That is really cool.
I never thought of Jesus' life as simple, but it was.
And He was in accordance with the will of God.
So, I'm redefining my life by saying to myself that simple is good, simple is enough.
He simple served.....
He simple loved...
He simply obeyed....
He simple sacrificed Himself for me....
It was enough.